Mesher command Line

When you start a mesher process, you can use mesher command line to specify configurations as follows:

mesher --config=mesher.yaml --service-ports=rest:8080



(optional, string) The path to mesher configuration file, default value is {current_bin_work_dir}/conf/mesher.yaml


(optional, string) Mesher has 2 work modes, sidecar and edge, default is sidecar


(optional, string) Running as sidecar, mesher needs to know local service ports, this is to tell mesher service port list, The value format is {protocol}-{suffix} or {protocol}. If service has multiple protocols, you can separate with comma “rest-admin:8080, grpc:9000”, default is empty. In that case mesher will use header X-Forwarded-Port as local service port, if header X-Forwarded-Port is also empty, mesher can not communicate to your local service.